If you are looking for a way to fund that special project, NJAGC funds competitive awards of up to $500 for eligible proposals from our members. These mini-grants enable teachers to develop projects that would enhance their GT programs and curriculum.

Apply here by 11:59pm on December 21, 2022.

NJAGC is proud to announce the Instructional Mini-Grant allocations for the 2022-2023 grant period.  The funding of NJAGC’s Instructional Mini-Grant Program represents the Executive Board’s commitment to the development of quality programs for gifted students in New Jersey.

The Instructional Mini-Grants of up to $500 are available to all current members of NJAGC.  

As the new school year begins, think of ways you might supplement your G/T program with a boost from NJAGC through the Instructional Mini-Grant Program.  The Mini-Grants Program was established to support and supplement local programs that provide appropriate gifted education for students in Grades K-12.  Grant applicants may seek funds for use during the last quarter of 2022-2023 or for the first half of the 2023-2024 school year.

The Mini-Grant Coordinator must receive proposals by 11:59pm on December 21, 2022.  The Mini-Grants Committee will review all proposals and Mini-Grant recipients will be announced prior to the Annual NJAGC Conference in March 2023.

 Grant proposal requirements are listed on this document, and all grant proposals will be submitted via Google Forms.  To be considered for an Instructional Mini-Grant, all requirements, guidelines, and directions listed on this document must be followed.  Applicants not following the grant requirements/directions may be excluded from consideration.

Please direct all questions to the Mini-Grants Coordinator at minigrantchair@njagc.org

Don’t delay!  Brainstorm with colleagues, parents, students, and community resources to create proposals that will enhance the services for gifted students in your school. Let’s direct our mental, emotional, and financial energies toward quality education for New Jersey’s gifted and talented youth through this exciting opportunity. 

NJAGC Instructional Mini-Grant Guidelines:

  1.  All applicants must be current members of NJAGC.
  2. Mini-Grant funds of up to $500 are awarded exclusively for programs implemented in New Jersey that are designed for students who have been identified to receive gifted education services.
  3. Only one Mini-Grant will be awarded per proposal even if more than one teacher submits his/her names on the proposal.  One proposal may NOT be submitted in different segments.  A Mini-Grant is for a proposal regardless of the number of teachers or schools a project might involve.
  4. There are no limits on how many years an applicant can submit a proposal, but the submission cannot be for the same project that was funded in prior years, although a multi-year project with a new focus is acceptable.
  5. Applicants may apply for and/or receive only one grant per funding year.
  6. Proposals must be submitted on the NJAGC Instructional Mini-Grants Google form which can be accessed from the Award section of NJAGC’s website www.njagc.org.  Grant requirements and Google Form links can also be obtained by emailing minigrantchair@njagc.org
  7. Proposals must be used to fund programs that adhere to NJ Administrative Code and Chapter 338 as related to gifted education requirements, i.e., no after school programs.  
  8. Proposals must demonstrate quality and creative programs and innovative learning opportunities for gifted students. Grant funds may be used for materials and supplies.  The proposal cannot be used to fund transportation.
  9. Decisions of the grant review committee are final.  No appeals will be accepted.
  10. Grant recipients will be required to sign a publicity agreement and submit a final report that will give details on how to replicate the program in other schools. Recipients also agree to allow  photos and grant descriptions to be posted on the NJAGC website. In addition to the final report, recipients are encouraged to make a presentation at the annual conference of NJAGC and/or write an article for NJAGC’s Promise newsletter.
  11. Recipients must submit a final expenditure report detailing how the funds were spent.
  12. Deadline for grant submissions: 11:59pm on December 21, 2022.

NJAGC Instructional Mini-Grants – Google Form

Applicant Information

Applicant Name

NJAGC Member Status

Applicant Job Title

School County

School District

School Name

Name of Gifted Program (if applicable)

BRIEF Summary of GIfted Education Responsibilities and Background

Mailing Address (Home)

Mailing Address (School)

Preferred Phone Number

Preferred Email Address

Grant Proposal Briefer

Please do not include your name or reference to your school or district in this section.

Title of Proposal

Requested Amount

Grades Targeted by Proposal

BRIEF Synopsis of Proposal (50 words or less)

NJAGC Mini-Grant Proposal

Please do not include your name or reference to your school or district in this section.

Need for Proposal – How does this proposal identify and address the needs of the gifted learner?  What research supports that the program will significantly address the education of gifted children?  What are the major outcomes the proposal will address?

Goals and Objectives – What are the goals and objectives of this proposal?  How do they support the stated need or problem?  How do the goals address the needs of gifted learners?

Activities – What are the proposed activities and how do they address the stated goals and objectives and meet the identified needs of the gifted learner?  How will your budget items help to carry out these activities and objectives?

Evaluation – How will this proposal be evaluated in relation to student behaviors and/or products?  How does this proposal complement your school’s current G&T programming?

Budget – Provide a line-item budget with detailed costs for your proposal in the form of an uploaded spreadsheet or PDF.  Your request must total between $0 and $500 in whole dollar amounts.

NJAGC Instructional Mini-Grant Proposal Criteria/Evaluation 

(Please be sure to include all segments of the application.)

Each Mini-Grant proposal must address the following program components:

  • Need for the proposed project
  • Goals and objectives
  • Activities/ Programs
  • Evaluation
  • Budget allocations

Members of the review committee will use the following rubric to select applications for funding:

Need for proposal

  • Proposed program identifies the needs of the gifted learner and addresses the identified needs.
  • Research supports that the program will significantly address the education of gifted children.
  • Proposal summarizes the major outcomes the proposal will address.

Goals and Objectives

  • Proposal contains a complete description of goals and objectives.
  • Proposal explains how the goals and objectives address the stated need or problem.
  • Goals and objectives are reasonable and address the needs of gifted students.


  • Proposal explains how the activities, program, and processes address the stated goals and objectives and meet the identified needs of the gifted learner.
  • Proposal describes the outcomes anticipated from the program and they are consistent with NJ Administrative Code for Gifted Education and Chapter 338.
  • Proposal shows originality, innovation, creativity, and higher order thinking skills.


  • Proposal describes how the project will be evaluated as related to student behaviors and products.
  • Describes the process used to evaluate the program activities.
  • Describes how the proposal complements schools current G/T program.


  • Costs are delineated and accurate, and detailed costs are included and are reasonable.
  • Proposal contains a description of how budget items will help to carry out activities to
    address goals and objectives.